Sunday, August 16, 2009

First hike of season - and it's August - Ugh!

Last year we were hiking and biking every weekend but we've had other things happening this summer so this was our first chance. It was so fun! Haylee was a trooper. She loves being outdoors.
Falls Creek Falls. I love the Pacific Northwest. There is no better place to hike!

Harrison turns 9!

Week Three - Almost there!

Haylee is doing really well. I'm sure that she will be excited to finally get these restraints off and start eating goldfish crackers again. Tomorrow we have our post op visit. I'm hoping they will say she is done but it is more likely they will say another week. Oh, well. We've done it this long what is another week - right?
So we've been hanging low and not doing much so I thought maybe I'd bring out the little people toys for Haylee. They've been up in the attic since the other kids have outgrown them. Haylee was intrigued for about a minute. But guess who played with them the entire day - that's right, my older kids. Even Harrison my 9 nine old had a grand time. I love the Fisher Price Little People!

Loving this girl more and more each day!