Monday, September 28, 2009

Six Months

Six months ago yesterday this beautiful little girl was placed in our arms for the first time. It seems like an eternity ago. I don't want to sugar coat it - it has been hard and there were times when I wondered if I was cut out for this. But every day my love for this little girl gets stronger and stronger. She is such a joy! Yesterday was our annual children's program at church. As I watch my three older kids sing and say their parts (Harrison gave a talk about attending the temple for Haylee's sealing). I couldn't help but remember the Primary Program 3 years ago. I went to church with a very troubled heart wondering what my Heavenly Father would have me do. As I sat and listened to the children sing, in my mind's eye I saw a beautiful little Asian girl singing and I knew she was mine. The next day I received some information on adoption from China. I had forgotten I'd even requested it. (After Ava died I looked for all sorts of things online.) I knew that day that adoption was something that we should pursue. It only took Kevin three months to get onboard, which if you know Kevin is lightening quick. The journey to Haylee has been difficult and there have been uncertainties. But as I sat with Haylee watching the Primary Program I was able to see just how beautifully God's plan unfolded for our family. I am so grateful for this little girl. She brings us all so much happiness...

She delights us...

She charms us...

She tickles us...

We are soooooooo very grateful that she is ours!!! We love you Haylee Mei!!!!!!


  1. She is so beautiful! I am so happy for you, Jennie! You deserve to have this gorgeous girl in your family!

  2. She is so precious. I am so happy for you and your beautiful family. You'll have to tell me about Ava sometime. I'm glad everything is going well.

  3. What a little doll she is! All of your children are so cute! You commented on my blog awhile ago and I am just barely getting back into things (I had back surgery last week). In just the last few weeks I have "met" 4 families who are LDS. It is so fun to be able to share in not only our adoptions but also our faith. I'm so glad you found me!

  4. I'm glad you left a comment on my blog because I forgot you blog. Now I have it again and will add it to my list.
    So fun to see you family. Looks like you guys are adjusting really well.

  5. Hi, I am so glad you found me! There are just a few LDS families I have met adopting, it's always nice to have another connection! Your family is beautiful! Where in WA? We are in Auburn... looking forward to more posts!
    Dawn :)

  6. Congrats Jennie! I love checking out your blog and seeing the kids and what you're up to. We'll miss being there to see Haylee and your other kids grow up. Keep in touch!
