Friday, February 27, 2009

TA Snafu

Here it is the 27th and still no TA. Bummer! But today as I was reading someone mentioned that many agencies were experiencing a glitch with travel approvals because of the new hague process. It is complicated to explain but long story short my agency is going to try contacting the CCAA after the weekend and hopefully by Monday we'll have a resolution. I'm really hoping we can travel in March.

This wait has been really hard. It is the last thing that I need from the CCAA and it is killing me. It is frustrating that there is a little girl who needs a family and a family who is waiting for that little girl and the only thing that is keeping them apart is a stupid piece of paper. I have to admit that I am feeling better now knowing that my agency is going to call them. Hopefully we will know what to expect now rather than waiting and waiting and waiting with no end in sight.

1 comment:

  1. You can't imagine how great your post made me feel. We, too, have a LOA of 1/22 and TRULY believed we would get our TA today. We didn't and I was really really sad. Thanks so much for letting us know about the glitch on TAs and that it wasn't just my agnecy.
