Sunday, April 12, 2009

We're Home!!!

We are home!!! It feels so good to finally say that. The plane ride was grueling and it will be a long while before I decide to travel internationally again. It was torture! I began every leg of our flight with a little prayer that we would make it home safely but I always added a little addendum at the end (especially on the one from Beijing to Seattle) - that if it is His will that I go now than please have mercy on me and all these people and take us at the beginning of the flight rather than at the end! (Glad it wasn't my time to go!) And I am grateful with all my heart to be home safe and to be together as a family finally. I was so happy to see my kids and they were so excited to meet Haylee. Aside from the jet lag it has been wonderful. Haylee walks around our house just looking at everything. She isn't quite sure about the kids - I think they make her nervous. But she has really warmed up to grandma and grandpa and likes her aunt and uncle. She fits in perfectly with our family.
Since I haven't been able to sleep (last night I woke up at 3:00 and couldn't get back to sleep) I have a lot of time to reflect on a few things. I thought I would list a few of my random thoughts.
Ice - nothing is better than a cold drink!
Clean water - I just really appreciate the wonderful blessing that we in this country enjoy - I am so guilty of taking it for granted.
A good old american cheeseburger. Oh and pizza too!
My husband - I like to tease Kevin and say that he is a "fair-weather" friend. It was hard for him to deal with my adoption related melt-downs (which were occuring with increasing frequency towards the end). But there is truly no one with more patience, kindness and loyalty. He is a rock, especially in difficult circumstances. We truly enjoyed our time together in China getting to know our newest child. He is such a fantastic dad and husband!
My babies. I knew it was going to be hard to be away from them. Holy Cow - it was painful! But they are such good, sweet kids and I am lucky, lucky, lucky!
My mom and Chuck. So grateful that they were willing to watch my kids. They even cleaned out the garage, ironed my clothes, and did some repairs. We came home on Friday afternoon to find dinner ready and the house spotless. I will never be able to thank them enough.
Blessings. Sometimes it is so hard to see Gods plan for us, especially when we are in the midst of despair and sorrow, wondering if what we want is what He wants for us. I'm so grateful that when I was able to align my will to His that our greatest blessing was bestowed. I am so grateful for the opportunity that we have to bring Haylee into our family. It has been a HARD two years but it HAS been worth it.
Chinese people. I really have the warmest regard for the people of China. I wish I had more of an oportunity to speak with everyday people. I would like to know more about the way they think of certain things. The culture is rich and so very interesting.
Having someone make my bed and give me clean towels. The maids at the Victory were so nice!
Eating out every day. I love to eat out and we had some fun food experiences in China.
Cordelia - our guide. She was fantastic!
I may get in trouble for this but I miss Chinese efficiency. Others might not agree but I thought they were efficient in so many aspects.
The feeling of being responsible for only one child. Don't get me wrong - I missed my kids like crazy - but there is something so fun about being able to spend one on one time with your child.
Thanks to all who left comments and followed us on our journey. It was a wonderful experience and we are so happy to have the opportunity to share it with you all.


  1. Man you had me crying. It takes leaving the good old USA to appreciate all we have in this great country. I'm so glad you're home. These pictures say it all. You all look so happy. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I've enjoyed the journey immensely. Love, lori

  2. Congratulations! She is just beautiful and she fits your family perfectly. I am so happy for you and I am so glad you shared your journey to get her. Take care and enjoy!

  3. That big smile is so cute... she is just adorable. Just like your whole fam. I am glad you guys are all home and safe.
